Wellcome to National Portal

নড়াইল জেলা কারাগারের তথ্য বাতায়নে স্বাগতম।কারাগারে আটক বন্দির অসুস্থতার কথা বলে বিকাশ, রকেট, নগদ বা যে কোন ব্যাংকে অর্থ গ্রহণ করা হয় না।সরকারী নিয়ম অনুযায়ী চিকিৎসা প্রদান করা হয়। কেউ এ ধরনের কারাগারের পরিচয় দিয়ে অর্থ চাইলে আইন শৃংঙ্খলা বাহিনীকে বা অত্র দপ্তরে যোগাযোগ করার জন্য বলা যাচ্ছে। 

Main Comtent Skiped

Citizen Charter

Citizen Charter

Conventions to meet the prisoner

1. To meet Detainees and Safe Hefazati prisoners, you need permission from the District Magistrate's Court.

2. The maximum viewing time is to be completed in 30 minutes.

3.Banking of any kind of money transaction is prohibited for meeting with the participants. Do not give money to anyone. Anyone can claim the money in the following written telephone / mobile number or write the complaint registered in the register.

4. You can not enter the meeting room on mobile or any other addictive products.

5. Keep the mobile in place to store it.

6. Appeal must be submitted to the application. You can not submit the application form, if so, then collect the seal from the prison guard on the side of the meeting room.

7. There is a canteen in front of the meeting room with the aim of supplying essential essentials for easy and fair prices of the candidates. Being sold in the canteen is essentially fair. You can supply goods by canteen. If the price is higher for purchase of goods or less, then the lower registered phone number or the records in the inquiry can be recorded in the register.

PC money rules


1. Here money is deposited in the PC.

2. No application is required to submit money to the PC.

3. Submit your money to the designated PC. Do not give to anyone else.

4. No extra money is required to deposit money to the PC. If anybody claims unnecessary time to deposit money or any other difficulty or money, then you can immediately send it to the written number or write the complaint registered in the register.

5. Enter the correct number without knowing the number of your prisoner.

6. You can submit money to the PC within the prescribed period every day.

7. If you wish, you can submit money to the PC through Money Order.

8. The prisoners can purchase the essential items and food products at affordable prices from the canteen in the prison.

Rules for supply of goods to detainees:


1. For the supply of goods to your detainee, please write the goods list and submit it to the prison guard with the name and number of the working uniform.

2. You will be provided with the care of your prisoner to reach the prisoner.

3. No money is needed to reach the property owner. If there is any difficulty or money demanded by the goods, you can immediately send the following written telephone number or the records kept in the inquiry must be registered in the register.

4. Do not try to supply any illegal items inside the goods. The goods are handed over to the prisoner by checking the verification. In Jamadan, the existence of illegal goods is detected and legal action will be taken against the supplier. After entering the prison, if the illegal medicines are found in the goods, prisoners will be punished according to the jurisdiction.

5. Your cooperation is being sought for imposing illegal goods.


 Restroom rules:


1. There is adequate accommodation in the restroom.

2. There are air conditioners, drinking water, toilet facilities in the restroom.

3. Contact the Reserve Prison Guard to reach any necessary news of the office.

4. Inform the Chief Prison Guard / Prison Guard at the time of any difficulty while staying in the restroom.